Starting your journey as a student at Mount Carmel College of Nursing (MCCN) is an exciting one and we’re here to help you get a great start on your academic adventure!

So, to get you started, we’ve planned a few events this summer you’ll need to attend to prepare for your first year as a nursing student at MCCN. Please add the following programs to your calendar, as they are mandatory for all new incoming students to the Columbus campus:

Get Connected!

  • “Like” us on Facebook
  • Follow us on Twitter
  • Find us on Instagram
  • Excited about New Student Orientation and Convocation and want to share it? Post it on Facebook or Tweet using the hash tag #New2MCCN before, during or after these events! Also, make sure to join the MCCN Class of 2021 Facebook group to meet your fellow classmates!

The navigation links on the left of the page will guide you on all things Mount Carmel! In the meantime, we are SO happy to have you as a fellow Nightingale!

Why Choose Us


2023 NCLEX-RN pass rate


average class size


years of educating nurses