WASHINGTON, D.C., February 6, 2020 – The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) is pleased to announce the second biennial Nursing Voices, Nursing Votes, a nonpartisan initiative to encourage nursing deans, faculty, and students amplify their voices during the 2020 election season. Building on the success of the 2018 initiative, which garnered more than 500 commitments to register and vote, AACN looks forward to gaining even more support this year within the academic nursing community.

"Amplifying nursing's voice at all levels of government is essential and begins with registering to vote," said Dr. Ann Cary, Chair of the AACN Board of Directors. "AACN is proud to bring back the Nursing Voices, Nursing Votes initiative, which gives AACN members the resources and information needed to cast their ballots in the 2020 elections."

Nursing Voices, Nursing Votes informs deans, faculty, and students on upcoming primary dates, registration deadlines, absentee ballot information, and a countdown to the Presidential Election on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. Additionally, state-by-state voting resources will be provided on the AACN website, and participation will be tracked both by state and school with the three highest performing schools receiving recognition. You can also follow this initiative on Twitter @AACNursing and @AACNPolicy #NursingVoicesNursingVotes.

"Voting is the bedrock of democracy and the right and responsibility of each citizen," said Dr. Deborah Trautman, AACN President and Chief Executive Officer. "No matter who you support in 2020, Nursing Voices, Nursing Votes provides schools within AACN's membership the framework and tools available to be active members within our electoral process."

Nursing students often face significant challenges to participating in elections. These students often go to school at a different location than their voting address and may work variable and unpredictable hours. By working with deans, faculty, and students, Nursing Voices, Nursing Votes helps ensure that they have access to the resources necessary to participate in local, state, and federal elections.

AACN encourages deans and faculty to designate time during orientations or policy classes for students to register to vote and join the Nursing Voices, Nursing Votes conversation as we countdown to the 2020 Presidential Election. Your voice and vote matters!

For more information, see the website here.


The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) is the national voice for academic nursing representing more than 825 schools of nursing nationwide. AACN establishes quality standards for nursing education, influences the nursing profession to improve health care, and promotes public support of baccalaureate and graduate nursing education, research, and practice. For information, visit www.aacnnursing.org.

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