Casey Francisco photo

MCCN Second Degree Accelerated Program BSN Student

What inspired you to become a nurse?

My inspiration to become a nurse began ten years ago when I attended nursing school in my hometown of New Orleans. At the time, due to a lack of focus, discipline, and maturity, I was unsuccessful and failed at my first attempt at nursing school. Up until that moment of failure, I had never felt more defeated in my life. However, I believe everything happens for a reason, and about one year ago, I was in a meeting that changed my entire life trajectory. At this meeting, only doctors, nurses, and nurse practitioners were in attendance. I was also the only non–medical professional in attendance at this meeting. During the conference, I jokingly told one of the doctors, "This makes me want to return to nursing school." He glanced back at me and said, "Don't let your past failures determine your future. You can do anything you put your mind to." It was then, at that moment, that I became determined to follow the dream I had once lost years ago.

What is the best thing about Mount Carmel College of Nursing?

Over the years, I have encountered various academic programs, and from my personal experience, Mount Carmel is unlike any other program I have encountered. To me, Mount Carmel strives to see their students succeed. I can describe Mount Carmel's curriculum as one that contains a built-in system allowing each student to achieve their ultimate potential by having a litany of assignments - providing ample practice to accumulate points while reiterating content covered on the exam. Instead of working against their students, the faculty and staff at Mount Carmel commit their best effort to work with and mentor each of their students with the ideology of helping each student grow and develop into a safe and professional individual.

What are your goals for your nursing career?

I work as a counselor in addiction medicine and have become skilled at identifying and developing other people's weaknesses into strengths. The battle against addiction and mental health will last a lifetime, and I plan to be on the front lines against this disease. The phrase I believe best describes the current state of mental health in our society is one of the most common idioms known to man: "We are only as strong as our weakest link." I believe this involves the impoverished communities primarily resulting from addiction, mental health challenges, and poor lifestyle choices. In essence, I think that if I can contribute to developing and turning the weakness of these communities into strengths, I would hopefully be able to contribute to the restoration and progress of mental health and addiction on a societal level.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Like many children and adolescents, I foolishly thought pursuing education was not "cool." As a child, I feared others making fun of me if I wholeheartedly pursued academic excellence. This form of peer pressure affected me as it affects so many children. If I could, I would tell my younger self, as well as those that believe pursuing one's education is not worth any value, that "strength is measured in many different ways, and intelligence is stronger than any weapon known to man."

What advice would you give to someone considering a career in nursing?

If there is any advice, I can give to those planning on becoming a nurse, it would be to be self-motivated with a deep-rooted desire for the sciences and a genuine care for all humanity, despite any monetary value. Additionally, it is vitally essential that one does not study to pass an exam or pass their class, but instead, study to gain the most knowledge that will prepare them for every situation they may face as a professional nurse. One should always remain professional, even with laughter and happiness accompanying their journey to becoming a nurse. Lastly, believe in God because only He can help give you the perseverance and determination it takes to become a nurse.

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scholarship money awarded from the Mount Carmel Foundation in 2023


of graduates employed within 12 months (2021 grads)


years of educating nurses