Bachelor of Science in Nursing Student
What inspired you to become a nurse?
My calling to become a nurse all started with my dad. My dad had various health problems, and I helped to care for him for most of my life. When I was in high school, his cancer diagnosis changed my whole life. All I wanted to do was to help but there was only so much I could do at 15 years old. But finding ways to care for and help him, even in the smallest things brought happiness to me that nothing else ever has. When I discovered my purpose to become a nurse, I pursued my STNA at a technical high school. My dad was so proud. I told him that I would become a nurse and provide the best care to my patients and take care of him and my mom as they got older. Unfortunately, my dad did not live to see how far I have come. He lost his battle to cancer just a few months before I graduated high school in 2017. It has been a rough road since then. My dad’s passing took a tremendous toll on my academics, and I never thought I would get to where I am now. He always told me that I could go as far in life as I wanted, so I am doing just that. I have wanted to become a nurse for so long and after 8 years of chasing this goal that once seemed unobtainable, I am now just 3 months away from graduating. I miss my dad every day. But the sadness I have from this enormous loss, fuels my passion to provide the best care to my patients who are in their most vulnerable state, just like my dad was. His inspiration to me will live on in every patient that I care for, and I can’t wait to be the best nurse that I can be.
What is the best thing about Mount Carmel College of Nursing?
The best thing about MCCN is the community. Mount Carmel has brought so many wonderful people into my life that have inspired, encouraged, and supported me since the very beginning. I will be forever grateful to MCCN and Mount Carmel for the positive impact it has made in my life.
What are your goals for your nursing career?
I hope to work in the emergency department and make every patient’s life that I encounter even just a little bit better.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Never give up. Because of your determination, you have made it here today. Nobody can ever take away the perseverance that you demonstrate every day to reach your goals. You’ll get there on your own time and everything will be okay!
What advice would you give to someone considering a career in nursing?
It’s a hard journey, but the most rewarding. If you are truly passionate about caring for others, nothing can stand in your way. You will learn a lot about life, discover things about yourself you didn’t even know. Being a nurse is so much more than being a nurse.