As part of our ongoing series to profile faculty, staff and student representatives, this month we feature student Florence Smith. Name: Florence...

The Pediatric Student Interest Group will meet for lunch Monday, February 9 in the Rec Room from noon to 1 p.m. Students Skylr Meredith and Falon...

Come to the College Gym on Fat Tuesday, February 17 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and join us for a fantastic Mardi Gras celebration featuring hot dogs,...

The Student Government Association will be holding a bake sale in the main lobby on Monday, February 9 from noon to 2 p.m. Stop down and check out the...

Check out the cool activities coming up for students in the residence halls: Thursday, February 12: Valentine’s Day Door Decorating Contest, 8...

Each year, MCCN sends interested students to participate in Nurses Day at the Ohio Statehouse. Organized by the Ohio Nurses Association, the annual...

Are you looking for something to do? MCCN has FREE tickets to COSI available to students at the front desk in the main lobby. There is a limit of two...

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